Media Coverage
"There are no words on earth that can thank you enough for everything you have done for us. You are a great, kind soul. We appreciate you very much, and hope you have an amazing new year!"
The Saldaña Family
“Kent Felty is one of the pioneers in our work against the new slavery.”
Kevin Bales – President of FREE THE SLAVES and author of “Disposable People”.
“I have known Kent Felty since about 2002 … I came to know him as we co-counseled an immigration related trafficking case (the first civil rights case its kind under federal anti-discrimination statutes and other federal and common law claims) in representing a class of foreign workers from India who were subjected to various forms of exploitation and fraud… When Mr. Felty took this case on in federal court in Oklahoma, he exhaustingly worked on behalf of about 50 Indian workers whose class and claims presented a number of logistical and legal challenges… Despite the daunting mission he never gave up his self sacrificial representation of the class. Throughout, he showed a sense of moral obligation to see it through while representing people in a case that was pretty much unprecedented and that was unpopular with the public at the time…"
Robert Canino – Regional Attorney for the United States E.E.O.C.